In honour of Mike Lowe and all other good men we wish were around for one more chat.

About Good Chat

Good Chat was inspired by the loss of a close friend to suicide in 2024 and the impact it had on the lives of those who loved him.

All of the Good Chat team has been touched by a loss of some kind related to male suicide. Sadly, just like the stats, it’s not an uncommon experience. So it’s our fathers, brothers, friends, partners, co-workers, and fellow human beings we have in mind when we think of the spaces and faces that could help change the conversation and create a better future for all of us, together.

The only way forward is through.

Good Chat is a community-driven initiative designed to spark more conversations around men’s mental health and shed the stigma.

Through bi-monthly events in relaxed places we’re all familiar with, our speaker series invites people to come as they are and leave with a community.

We create spaces where men can have honest, meaningful discussions, meet new people, and gain more tools and resources to move through life a little easier.

We create a natural space, interesting chat, and meet men where they are - gyms, wellness hubs, workplaces, and beyond.

We apply creativity and consistency to ensure these conversations have good vibes make a lasting impact.

We are thinkers, doers, writers, designers, introverts, extroverts, challengers, problem solvers, podcaster, mental health advocates, bike riders, album fanatics, coffee drinkers, cocktail mixers. We like authenticity and atmosphere - and we believe in the power of one good conversation to make a difference.

  • Sam Ellis


    Sam loves words, dogs, and most especially, good chats. Just ask her friends who can never shut her up. A passionate advocate for the power of speech and words in making the world better, Good Chat is a cause Sam believes in at her core.

  • Nina T. Downes


    Nina joined Good Chat because she understands it’s less common for men, even those raised in open environments to find the right spaces to share and freely explore the tough stuff. With a few years working in communication strategies around neuroplasticity and drug-free therapies, Nina enjoys building community. Motivated to grow Good Chat, creating something accessible, real and down to earth for you guys.

  • Nick Toogood


    Nick is passionate about breaking the stigma around men’s mental health and encouraging open conversations. He believes in the power of genuine connections and creating spaces where men can talk freely. A big fan of boxing, both participating and watching the sport, he also loves music and is always up for a gig or festival. He cherishes regular catch-ups and meaningful conversations with friends, often mixing them in with hiking, music events, or his newest hobby - golf - though at times, it has the opposite of a relaxing effect! 

  • Mark Whittle

    Event Facilitator

    As a speaker, Mark has cultivated his learnings to educate viewers and listeners on the practices, routines and philosophies they can adopt into their own lives, to immediately drive their performance, achieve new goals and reach new heights.

Want to add your voice to the chat?

Share some info and we will be in touch shortly. We’re always looking for passionate partners and collaborators.

Because who knows?
One good chat can save a life.